GitHub Flow | Workflow Strategies

When comes to software development, Managing change can be challenging. It’s an elaborate process, where lots of people are using many complex tools, in parallel, to produce a one thing. Workflow is about controlling the sequence of events which transform a piece of work to ensure every person can use the best tool at the right time. There is no any universal solution for every team’s needs, but a good workflow will streamline all of the tools, processes, and people, for optimum productivity.

Rather than presenting a prescriptive set of features or family of products with a predetermined flow, GitHub gives you the flexibility to define the best workflow for you. It puts your code at the center of your development process and provides sensible tools for managing changes to your software.

Let’s take a look at some of the ways GitHub lets you define your workflow. Branching is a core part when comes to managing parallel software developments. So the Git, the version control system lets you create, destroy, and combine branches with minimal effort. So, branches can exist for as long, or as short, as you need. One of the most straightforward branching workflows is the GitHub Flow.

In this workflow, your project has a single master branch. you can create temporary feature branches when new development comes.

When changes are ready for review, you can open a pull request to review and discuss them.

Pull requests let you show others the changes you’ve made on one branch, so they can review and discuss them before merging changes into an another branch.You can also have additional information about build results, Test runs and etc. Team members can use this information to discuss the code and submit reviews to approve it, or request changes which need to be addressed before merging.

When changes are approved, you can deploy your code from your feature branch to production or any other environment if you need.

After that you can merge the feature branch into the master branch, and remove the feature branches.